What Does PASR Do?
Welcome to Carbon County
Carbon Chapter Officers and Chairmen
Service Projects
2010 Calendar of Events
What Does PASR Do?
Community Service
Carbon PASR Member Projects
Community Service Survey
Volunteers of the Year
Carbon PASR Practitioner Grants
John J. Dillon PASR Volunteer Award
Lauretta Woodson Award.
Social Services Committee
Becoming a Member
Carbon Member Application
Switchback Tripper - Anna Moore



PASR is the legislative advocate for retired school employees


          PASR has helped school retirees attain 7 Cost of Living Adjustments, health insurance premium assistance now increased to $100 a month, and annuitant representation on the PSERS Board of Directors.  Current legislative initiatives include COLAs, health insurance, pension equity, retirement funding, pop-up options, and PSERS administrative reforms.  Highly trained legislative volunteers represent your interests and provide legislative alerts advising of the need to contact your legislators.  Members are given the opportunity to participate in developing the association’s legislative agenda.


PASR saves its members $$$$$


            PASR provides the opportunity for members to have access to discounted rates for dental and vision insurance, auto insurance, long-term care insurance, legal counseling plans, hearing aid services, Dell computers, and Wachovia Banking and Financial Planning services.  There are also 18 local discounts available as described on the enclosed brochure.  These discounts are usually more than the cost of membership.


PASR helps its members in need


            Nearly 3,000 of Pennsylvania’s school retirees received social service from the Association with activities ranging from social visits, cards, gifts, flowers, and financial assistance.  Over $60,000 was spent last year to help members in need of financial and emotional support through the Social Service Memorial Honor Fund Program.


PASR supports public education


            Our local chapter awards a Practitioner Scholarship for Carbon County teachers and students.  It provides resources for unique or special ideas or spur-of-the-moment brainstorms that come about through the creativity of students for which materials were unbudgeted and cannot be provided by the school district.  Since 1997 we have provided 36 practitioner scholarships.  Last year statewide $67,000 in scholarships was awarded to graduates.


PASR provides volunteer and fellowship opportunities


            PASR offers an outlet for social interaction and opportunities for individuals with common backgrounds to interact, ranging from meetings and volunteer opportunities to special group-rated trips and activities.


PASR is governed solely by public school retirees and, with more than 41,000 members, is the largest school retiree organization in Pennsylvania and the third largest in the nation.  Our local Carbon Chapter has 242 members.

Community Service